As of now, 2220 graduates of the Lyceum have been admitted to the best local and foreign universities. 300+ graduates of the Lyceum have studied and are studying at world-renowned universities, including Harvard, Cambridge, Sorbonne, Stanford, Lomonosov, Massachusetts, Toronto, Beijing, Tokyo, UCL London, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and elsewhere. More than a hundred students of the Lyceum defended scientific theses and became candidates of sciences.
Graduates are in constant contact with their educational institution. On their initiative, the Lyceum Students' Union was created, which brings together graduates of all years and whose goal is to support their own educational institution, as well as to unite all students of the Lyceum around a common idea.
Graduates of the Lyceum hold various positions, operate in different countries of the world and are leading specialists in the field.
0admission to universities
0graduates abroad
0graduates with an academic degree