Visit of representatives of the embassies of the Republic of Belarus, the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation to the Lyceum
"Cooperation for a happy childhood". this was the title of this initiative, which was implemented for the second time on November 24. The event with this title is dedicated to the World Day for the Protection of Children's Rights, which has been celebrated worldwide since 1954 on November 20. On this November day, the UN adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. "Cooperation for a happy childhood" was the motto of the seminary. this year we hosted the representatives of the embassies of the Republic of Belarus, the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation in Armenia. The representatives of the embassies, accompanied by the students of the Lyceum, toured the Lyceum, attended the educational process, and then participated in the event organized by the high school students' council. the students presented the role of protection of children's rights and the work carried out in its direction in the Lyceum. The representative of the Embassy of Belarus, Inessa Kudruk, told about the best practice of their country in protecting children's rights. Future tasks and areas of cooperation were also discussed with the guests.
This initiative, which has already become a tradition, will have an ongoing nature in order to further strengthen business and friendly relations.