Our history 1994
New Year is celebrated in the Lyceum.
- St. Valentine's Day is celebrated in the Lyceum on the initiative of the students.
- On the initiative of the English Department, a "Festival of Love" is being held.
A celebration dedicated to International Women's Day is taking place.
- "Laughter Day" is announced and held in the Lyceum (organizer: Garik Ghazaryan).
- The "Shirakatsy Days" festival is being held for the second time.
- The 1993-1994 Republican Chemistry Olympiad is organized and held at the Lyceum.
- On the initiative of the Department of Armenian Language and Literature, a matinee under the theme "Love and Spring" is held (screenplay and staging by the teacher of Armenian language and literature, Tamar Aleksanyan).
- Sona Tumanyan, a 1994 graduate, is a prize winner of the Mendeleev International Chemistry Olympiad III.
- Public Radio's "Peers" program broadcasts the recording of the theater studio's performance "Honorable Beggars".
- The "Last Bell" ceremony of the second year graduates of the Lyceum takes place.
Sona Tumanyan won the gold medal in the 1993-1994 season.
The first experimental admission trial for sixth graders has commenced.
- The graduation evening of the second graduates is taking place in the Lyceum.
- According to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Armenia, graduates of the Lyceum are admitted to YSU for four (later: 6) natural science studies based on the interview.
- Lyceum student Arman Melkumyan becomes the bronze medalist of the World Mathematics Olympiad.
- The Rector of Yerevan State Medical University appeals to the Minister with the recommendation of allocating a certain number of places to the graduates of the Lyceum without entrance exams.
"Armenian Textbook" is published by the order and approval of RA Ministry of Enlightenment the 4th grade of the general education school", the authors of which are professor Fridrich Khlghatyan and the Armenian language and literature teacher of the Lyceum, Tamar Aleksanyan ("Luys").
The theater studio of the Lyceum performs the first play by I.Ilf and Ev.Petrov "Burnt emotion" (director: Garik Ghazaryan).