Our history 2015
The results of the 2014 national ranking of RA public educational institutions are summarized. In that system, the Lyceum is in the second place in the subgroup of urban large and medium secondary schools.
- Vardan Melkonyan, the head of the physics department, participates in the distance training of the Professional Development Center of the International Baccalaureate and receives the 2nd class certificate of the Diploma Program.
- The delegation of the high school, represented by the director Ashot Alikhanyan and the RS representative Ilona Ghasaboghlian, is participating in the AGM of South Asia & Gulf of the Round Square International Schools World Association at the Indian High School in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Region - 2015).
- Elina Shakaryan, head of the Russian language department, participates in the "Managing Extended Essay" seminar in Prague, where the complications of writing an extended essay and ways to overcome them are discussed.
- An event dedicated to the International Mother Language Day, initiated by UNESCO, is taking place at school N198 in Yerevan. Seven schools from different countries are participating via video. The theme is the epic novel "David of Sassoon", parts of which are sung in different languages. The team of the Lyceum is filming in the Yervand Kochar Museum. a group of 9th graders (head: Armenian language and literature teacher Arsen Vardanyan) present memorized parts of our epic.
- On the initiative of the Department of Armenian Language and Literature, Mother Language Day is celebrated with great pomp, which ends with a literary-musical matinee dedicated to the 130th anniversary of Vahan Teryan's birth.
- Chess club teacher Nelly Pilosyan creates a chess page on the Facebook social network Chess in Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum, where materials related to chess lessons in Primary school are posted.
- The Lyceum team participates in the mathematics olympiad organized by the international school "Интеграция 21 век" in Moscow via the Internet, remotely. The language of communication is English. The Lyceum team takes the 2nd place (leader: mathematics teacher Ashot Darbinyan).
- Elina Shakaryan, head of the Russian language department, participates in qualification improvement courses organized by specialists from leading universities of the Russian Federation.
- Three of the associated educational centers of UNESCO in Armenia, schools No. 198, 20 of Yerevan and Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum in Peyo Yavorov school No. 131 of Yerevan are participating in the event dedicated to the great Bulgarian writer, public figure, great friend of the Armenian people, Peyo Yavorov. Lyceum students Samvel Batikyan, Lilit Sargsyan, Hayk Khachatryan, Anahit Harutyunyan present Yavorov's famous poem "The Armenians" and his relations with the Armenian people.
- On the initiative of the Department of Armenian language and literature, the Lyceum hosts the president of the Writers' Union of Armenia, poet, children's author Edward Militonyan. 5th graders present their research work on the writer's work.
- In the Primary school, the first teacher review starts, in which more than 80 teachers from 14 schools of Yerevan and the authors of the elementary school textbooks participate.
- The event entitled "100th spring" is held in the Primary school, which brought together 3 generations of Lyceum students and teachers (organizer: Haykuhi Kololyan).
- On the initiative of the Department of History (head of the department: Lusine Antonyan) and in cooperation with the NGO "Association of Young Historians" (director: Lilit Mkrtchyan), the 100th anniversary of the Great Revolt is celebrated with various events.
- On April 20, high school students held a flash mob in Tsitsernakaberd, on April 21, middle school students held a demonstration under the title "Homeland of Hope, Homeland of Light".
- The delegation of the Lyceum (director Ashot Alikhanyan, IB coordinators Anna Stepanyan and Mane Gevorgyan) is participating in the Conference of International Baccalaureate Schools of the CIS countries in Ulyanovsk. Anna Stepanyan and Mane Gevorgyan present the lessons they planned and conducted in middle school, based on the principle of unification (integrated) of geography and mathematics.
- Russian language teacher Marina Kocharyan won a 2nd degree diploma in the nomination "Best Russian Language Teacher of 2015".
- The research work done by the 4th graders of the International Baccalaureate Primary School is summarized in the third review on the interdisciplinary topic "How do we express ourselves?"
- The results of the 2014-2015 republican subject Olympiads are summarized: Hovhannes Adonts, Samvel Batikyan: chemistry: 1st and 2nd places. Mkhoyan Gayane, Ananyan Eric: history: 1st and 2nd places Lilit Sargsyan, Mariam Grigoryan: Armenian literature: 3rd place.Avagyan Ionna, Asatryan Elina: Russian language: 2nd and 3rd places.Harutyunyan Mais: mathematics: 2nd place. Petrosyan Gevorg: biology, 2nd place.
- High school students meet Mark Andreyevich Kalinin, Director of the Russian Culture and Science Center in Yerevan.
- High school students meet with the director of "Elasco Express" organization Lala Vardazaryan in order to get acquainted with the summer programs and explore the possibilities.
- Pastor of Yerevan for the second time, the exhibition-sale of Primary high school students' art works is taking place in Tumanyan's house-museum proceeds go to charity.
- In the international school of Yerevan's Vahagn district, the Lyceum team participates in athletics competitions and wins 25 medals in different distances.
- 14 students of the border-side Inner Karmiraghbyur school are hosted by their teachers at the Lyceum. The exhibition of 50 painting works of guest students opens.
- The president of the Union of Artists Karen Aghamyan, painters Samvel Sevada and Hayk Mesropyan give master classes for the guests and students of the Lyceum.
- The cycling club of the Lyceum is opened under extraordinary conditions.
- The "Last Bell" ceremony of the 22nd graduates of the Lyceum takes place in the hall of the American University.
- Russian writer, diplomat, friend of the Armenian people A. S. The results of the competition dedicated to the 220th anniversary of Griboyedov's birth. Lyceum students Ellen Davtyan (12th grade) and Erik Ananyan (10th grade) receive 3rd grade diplomas in the essay contest written in Russian (teacher: Elina Shakaryan, head of the Russian language department).
- 11th grade student Ionna Avagyan won first place in the "Best Essay" list at the Russian language Olympiad held in Moscow (Olympic team leader: Russian language teacher Marina Kocharyan).
- For the first time, 10th graders present their individual projects in public.
- Lyceum student Gagik Amaryan becomes the first prize winner of the "Hedgehog" computer competition.
- The graduation evening of the 22nd graduates of the Lyceum takes place at the "Latar" restaurant in Yerevan.
Davit Musayelyan (9th grade) and Aram Khanlari (10th grade) are recognized as the winners of the RA President's annual "Educational Award 2015" award ceremony in the field of IT.
The results of the first round of the competition "The best teacher of the Russian language abroad" are summarized in Moscow. Elina Shakaryan, teacher of Russian language and literature of the Lyceum, head of the department, candidate of philological sciences, is recognized as the winner from RA.
- The educational complex starts the new academic year with a new kindergarten. Next to the Mergelyan Institute, in the courtyard of building No. 1 on Komitas Street, the new building of the preschool, provided with all the necessary conditions, is starting to function.
- On the initiative of the history department, middle school students meet the family members and friends of the Armenian national hero Tatul Krpeyan.
- On the occasion of Teacher's Day, the RA National Assembly awarded a gold medal to Primary school teacher Gohar Sargsyan, and the head of the Russian language and literature department, Elina Shakaryan, received an honorary degree.
- The Head of the Department of Physical Culture, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Susanna Hoveyan was awarded the title of HONORARY WORKER of Physical Culture and Sports by the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs of the Republic of Armenia and was awarded a gold medal.
- Chemistry teacher, candidate of chemical sciences Sofya Aydinyan receives the first prize for the best presentation at the 4th International Conference "Current Problems of Chemical Physics".
- Diploma program students Isahak Bulanikyan and Gurgen Tadevosyan are participating in the International Forum of the European Youth Parliament in Dilijan. Gurgen Tadevosyan is selected as the best delegate and, along with six other delegates, is going to represent Armenia at the 81st International Session of the EYP, which will be held in Dublin, the capital of Ireland, and Belfast, the capital of Northern Ireland, with young representatives from 35 countries.
- In Tsitsernakaberd, the Primary school's first marathon is starting, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Yeghern.
- 12th grade students Argishti Avetisyan and Mariana Mkrtchyan are elected co-chairs of the 2015-2016 student council.
- During the annual national award ceremony "Best Public Servant of the Year and Best Brand of the Year 2015" (organizer: "National Trust" Council) Yerevan Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum was awarded the title of "Educational Complex Ensuring the Quality of Education Compliant with International Standards" for the second time.
- Russian language teachers Narine Bilbulyan, Gayane Aleksanyan and Marina Kocharyan participate in the scientific and practical conference organized by ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO, where Marina Kocharyan makes a presentation. At the end of the workshop, teachers receive certificates of qualification improvement.
- A joint project (KAS) is being implemented with a delegation of students from the Moscow Economic and Perm Pushkin Schools and first-year students of the Lyceum's Diploma Program.
- Lyceum students honor Gohar and Gevorg Vardanyan in the banquet hall. During the ceremony, certificates of scholarship named after Gevorg Vardanyan are handed over to some of the best students.
- English teachers of the Lyceum, Stella Sargsyan and Armine Gatrjyan, took part in the seminar organized by the British Council at the "Paris" hotel in Yerevan, which was led by Andreas Grundtwig, a specialist in training teachers from England, and received certificates of participation at the end.
- The Lyceum hosts the 15th "Pomegranate Seed" republican children's and youth festival, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and entitled "Rebirth". The organizers of the festival are the RA Ministry of Culture, "Nakhabem" Educational and Cultural Association, Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum, Av. Isahakyan Central Library, Zeytun Cultural Center.
- The theater studio of the Lyceum presents Anton Chekhov's "Proposal", artistic director: Garik Ghazaryan.
- The delegation of the Lyceum- the director of the educational complex Ashot Alikhanyan, the director of the high school Zaruhi Ghaltakhchyan, the coordinator of the IBDP Anna Stepanyan - is going to The Hague to participate in the conference of International Baccalaureate Schools.
- Lyceum students also participate in the Subject Olympiad initiated by the Gyumri M. Nalbandian Pedagogical University and register the following successes: four 1st-class prizes in history and foreign languages, four 2nd-class prizes in Armenian language and literature, foreign language, chemistry, six 3rd-class prizes prize in Russian and foreign languages, biology, geography, 2 letters of commendation in mathematics and geography.
- The painting of the 12th grade student Nare Sargsyan is recognized as the winner in the international art competition titled "Identity", which was organized by the international school, a member of the "Round Square" organization in Singapore. The Lyceum participates with the works of 5 students: Elina Asatryan (11th grade), Davidyan Sosi (12th grade), Elina Hovakimyan (12th grade), Tsovinar Martirosyan (9th grade), Sargsyan Nare (12th grade).
- On the initiative of the Department of Biology, the Lyceum hosts Dr. Aida Matevosyan, a specialist of the Center for Preventive Cardiology, a former student of the Lyceum, who presents the Lyceum students with a series of questions about the new findings of the regulation mechanisms of the human nervous system, the mechanism of sleep and dreaming.
- On the initiative of ROSSOTRUDNICHESTVO, Marina Kocharyan, recognized as the best teacher of the Russian language in RA, conducts a master class in the 8th grade of "Quantum" school in Yerevan.
- High school students meet biophysicist Armen Voskanyan.
- For the first time, students of the 2nd year of the Diploma Program present the results of their research work in the framework of four experimental sciences: chemistry, physics, semiology and computer science.
- On the initiative of the Department of Armenian Language and Literature (organizers: Arsen Vardanyan and Anahit Antonyan), the 10th grade students are hosting the prominent modern Armenian novelist, dramatist, and translator Ruben Hovsepyan as part of their research work.
- 200 students of different age groups from different schools of Yerevan participate in the competition-exhibition "China through my eyes" organized by the Confucius Institute of YSU. The Lyceum is represented by 10 Primary school students. Out of the 200 works that participated in the competition, 20 are selected, the work of Diana Karapetyan, a student of the 4th grade of the Primary school of the Lyceum (group 423), is among the chosen ones. The exhibition opens in the crowded hall of the Yerevan National Gallery, and the next day the prize-winning works are displayed in the foyer of the National Assembly of Armenia. All participating students are awarded with certificates and gifts.
- The 23rd "Shirakatsy Days" festival, dedicated to the memory of Yeghishe Charents, is starting in the Lyceum.
- "Yerevan Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum" educational complex receives the "Golden Prize" and diploma of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of CIS member states for active participation in the work of the Council.
- The Lyceum students meet with Yervand Zoryan, the founding president of the Armenian Virtual University. The Armenian Virtual University (AVU) is one of the programs of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), which gives Armenians around the world the opportunity to receive an Armenian education on the Internet, regardless of their place of residence.
- The delegation of the Lyceum represented by director Ashot Alikhanyan and RS representative Anahit Gharaghazaryan is participating in the AGM of South Asia & Gulf Region (AGM of South Asia & Gulf Region - 2017) of "Round Square" World Association of International Schools at The Emerald Heights International School in Indore, India.